Chapter 1 Resource information and overview

This is a online course book developed from the Data Analysis and Statistics with R (APS 240) module with the extended comments and application from my research and personal projects (Anthony Davidson).

The raw code for each chapter of the book can be found in the .Rmd files in the root folder of the project (./).

list.files(pattern = "Rmd")
##  [1] "0_02_R_prerequisites.Rmd"            "1_00.Rmd"                           
##  [3] "1_01_asking_questions.Rmd"           "1_02_data_variables.Rmd"            
##  [5] "1_03_learning_data.Rmd"              "2_00.Rmd"                           
##  [7] "2_01_standard_error.Rmd"             "2_02_significance_p-values.Rmd"     
##  [9] "2_03_comparisons_p-values.Rmd"       "2_04_concluding_stats_concepts.Rmd" 
## [11] "3_00.Rmd"                            "3_01_parametric_statistics.Rmd"     
## [13] "3_02_t-tests_one_sample.Rmd"         "3_03_t-tests_two_sample.Rmd"        
## [15] "3_04_correlation.Rmd"                "4_00.Rmd"                           
## [17] "4_01_regression_intro.Rmd"           "4_02_simple_regression.Rmd"         
## [19] "4_03_one_way_anova_intro.Rmd"        "4_04_one_way_anova_R.Rmd"           
## [21] "5_00.Rmd"                            "5_01_assumptions.Rmd"               
## [23] "5_02_diagnostics.Rmd"                "5_03_transformations.Rmd"           
## [25] "5_04_multiple_comparisons.Rmd"       "6_00.Rmd"                           
## [27] "6_01_experimental_design_intro.Rmd"  "6_02_t-tests_paired_sample.Rmd"     
## [29] "6_03_randomised_block_designs_R.Rmd" "7_00.Rmd"                           
## [31] "7_01_two_way_anova_intro.Rmd"        "7_02_two_way_anova_R.Rmd"           
## [33] "7_03_ancova_intro.Rmd"               "7_04_ancova_R.Rmd"                  
## [35] "8_00.Rmd"                            "8_01_comparing_frequencies.Rmd"     
## [37] "8_02_chi_sqr_gof.Rmd"                "8_03_chi_sqr_cont_tables.Rmd"       
## [39] "8_04_non_parametric_tests.Rmd"       "9_00.Rmd"                           
## [41] "9_02_choosing-models.Rmd"            "9_03_scientific-reports.Rmd"        
## [43] "9_04_one_vs_two-tailed_tests.Rmd"    "index.Rmd"                          
## [45] "stats-for-bio.Rmd"

1.0.1 View Book

To view the book you can open the following .index.Rmd file:

You can view this book in any modern desktop browser, as well as on your phone or tablet device. The site is self-contained—it contains all the material you are expected to learn this year.