Jekyll metadata

Quick tips

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One of the great things about github pages and jekyll websites for users of RMarkdown is that the metadata and the information about the contents of the file is stored in the same way as RMarkdown with a yaml header at the start of the document containing the additional information and parameters needed for the file to render. [Read More]
Tags: jekyll website

Adding links in Jekyll websites

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There are many many great resources on the web but linking them to a website can be hard, nont to mention boring task. Here are my notes to try and reduce the instatbility of external web links within webpages and other online content. [Read More]

Invasive Species Modelling

There was lots of press focus at the time (e.g. How NZ might make PFNZ happen;Enviroment guide; NZ geographic PFNZ plan) and academic interest too (extended info coming but most of the journal articles reference Russell et. al 2015 paper here) [Read More]

Image sizes

Generating web content from different visual content types and sizes has been a challenging aspect of working with RMarkdown and document generation. I found myself saying too many times recently that I hate working with images! Image size, projection dimensions, and printing dimensions all seem to change differently at different times when working with these different image types. To break this down I have divided the different aspects and rules under each of the different content types available in RStudio using packages like rmarkdown and bookdown vs websites using jekyll. [Read More]

A open source project setup

Over the covid19 period I have developed a workflow for generating the backbone of general exploratory research for a range of small businesses in an attempt to begin the process of developing open source tools for small business. There are many lessons and adventures I have had to generate the content I am writing currently. [Read More]

Dynamic CV and development page

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Over the past few months I have developed a a concept of intergrating html templates with RMarkdown to generate custom landing pages. I have used a collection of open source HTML5 templates and modified the code to include aspects of RMarkdown using $ <...> $ and custom YAML headeres associated with each of the new aspects. I have generated a template here for a dynamic CV and in the future I will extend this for other projects. [Read More]

Inserting an social media post

There are several ways that it is possible to generate static html content that includes aspects of different social media posts and pages. Here are a few quick notes about how I work with these file formats. [Read More]

Embedding a google location

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Google has a huge wealth of location data. It is possible to access and use this data in a range of ways. Here is some information on using iframe in a markdown or rmarkdown document. Here is the beginning of what I hope will be a collection of R scripts and notes on how to deal with google location data in R. Mostly because I have found this hard and I hope by writing a bunch of blog posts about it I will become more accustom to working with this sort of data. [Read More]
Tags: Google Website

Working with TROVE notes

Using R

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The trove database is a amazing resource that is configured using a simple API. There is a tool called QueryPic that can be used from within an online jupyter notebook that makes working with the overall data from TROVE much easier. [Read More]

GIS in R

Creating maps using spatial data in R

GIS is an area of R coding I have kept away from hoping that I would work it out at a later date. Sadly, it has got to the point where I want to be able to build more complex maps in shiny applications towards the end of my PhD and need to create a base of code to go from. Luckily, the text book “Spatial Analysis in R” has just come out in its second edition and is available in as a bookdown repository including the full text here. [Read More]

Sample blog post

Each post also has a subtitle

This is a demo post to show you how to write blog posts for jekyll websites using markdown. I strongly encourage you to take 5 minutes to learn how to write in markdown - it’ll teach you how to transform regular text into bold/italics/headings/tables/etc. For a more detailed guide see [Read More]
Tags: test

Flake it till you make it

Excerpt from Soulshaping by Jeff Brown

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Under what circumstances should we step off a path? When is it essential that we finish what we start? If I bought a bag of peanuts and had an allergic reaction, no one would fault me if I threw it out. If I ended a relationship with a woman who hit me, no one would say that I had a commitment problem. But if I walk away from a seemingly secure route because my soul has other ideas, I am a flake? [Read More]
Tags: books test

Bookdown hosting

Using GIThub

You can host your book on GitHub for free via GitHub Pages ( GitHub supports Jekyll (, a static website builder, to build a website from Markdown files. That may be the more common use case of GitHub Pages, but GitHub also supports arbitrary static HTML files, so you can just host the HTML output files of your book on GitHub. The key is to create a hidden file .nojekyll that tells GitHub that your website is not to be built via Jekyll, since the bookdown HTML output is already a standalone website. [Read More]

Using compareGroups function

The compareGroups package (Subirana, Sanz, and Vila 2014) allows users to create tables displaying results of univariate analyses, stratified or not by categorical variable groupings. [Read More]

KMZ files are just...

...zipped KML files

A KMZ file is just a zipped KML file, possibly with associated embedded images, icons, etc. So any program that supports KMZ files internally unzips them to access their KML files. That may be a reason why many open source programs do not bother supporting KMZ once KML support is implemented: you just need to use an additional unzipping library of your choice, to convert the KMZ to KML. The linked posts give some JavaScript-based solutions for unzipping. [Read More]
Tags: mapping kml GIS kmz

KMZ files are just...

...zipped KML files

A KMZ file is just a zipped KML file, possibly with associated embedded images, icons, etc. So any program that supports KMZ files internally unzips them to access their KML files. That may be a reason why many open source programs do not bother supporting KMZ once KML support is implemented: you just need to use an additional unzipping library of your choice, to convert the KMZ to KML. The linked posts give some JavaScript-based solutions for unzipping. [Read More]