Beech (2) GIS (1) GLAM (1) Google (1) R (3) RStudio (3) Reproducibility (2) TTS (1) Teaching (2) Trove (1) Website (3) app (1) bookdown (1) books (1) business (3) cards (2) code (2) coding (1) compile (1) general (11) git (2) github (1) home (2) index (2) interactive (1) jekyll (4) kml (1) kmz (1) manuscript (1) mapping (1) markdown (2) overview (10) publication (1) r (1) reproducibility (1) reproducible (1) research (4) resources (5) rmd (6) rstudio (2) shiny (1) software (1) statistics (1) test (4) tips (2) tools (10) website (12)

 Beech (2)

Resources to understand reproducibility
Mapping national parks in the US

 GIS (1)

KMZ files are just...

 GLAM (1)

Working with TROVE notes

 Google (1)

Embedding a google location

 R (3)

A lot of cooool resources for R
Ignoring Build Files Correctly In R
Github shiny app

 RStudio (3)

Github shiny app
Working with TROVE notes
Jekyll in RStudio

 Reproducibility (2)

Github content editor
Resources to understand reproducibility

 TTS (1)

Bookdown thesis examples

 Teaching (2)

Github content editor
Resources to understand reproducibility

 Trove (1)

Working with TROVE notes

 Website (3)

Github content editor
Embedding a google location
Resources to understand reproducibility

 app (1)

Github shiny app

 bookdown (1)

A lot of cooool resources for R

 books (1)

Flake it till you make it

 business (3)

Creating business cards
Creating business cards
Making stickers and business cards

 cards (2)

Creating business cards
Creating business cards

 code (2)

Adding links in Jekyll websites
Markdown syntax

 coding (1)

Ignoring Build Files Correctly In R

 compile (1)

Jekyll in RStudio

 general (11)

Creating business cards
Creating business cards
Building a QR code
Using Gists
Github content editor
Bookdown hosting
Making stickers and business cards
Jekyll in RStudio
Tracking a github website using google analytics
KMZ files are just...
Site concept

 git (2)

Ignoring Build Files Correctly In R
Using Gists

 github (1)

Ignoring Build Files Correctly In R

 home (2)

Code chunks in RMarkdown
A very basic description of github projects and forks

 index (2)

Tracking a github website using google analytics
Site concept

 interactive (1)

Github shiny app

 jekyll (4)

Bookdown thesis examples
Booking calenders and web intergration
Jekyll metadata
Adding links in Jekyll websites

 kml (1)

KMZ files are just...

 kmz (1)

KMZ files are just...

 manuscript (1)

A journal for open science `ReScienceC`

 mapping (1)

KMZ files are just...

 markdown (2)

Bookdown thesis examples
Markdown syntax

 overview (10)

Creating business cards
Creating business cards
Building a QR code
Using Gists
Github content editor
Bookdown hosting
Making stickers and business cards
Tracking a github website using google analytics
KMZ files are just...
Site concept

 publication (1)

A journal for open science `ReScienceC`

 r (1)

Jekyll in RStudio

 reproducibility (1)

A journal for open science `ReScienceC`

 reproducible (1)

Markdown syntax

 research (4)

Creating business cards
Creating business cards
Building a QR code
Making stickers and business cards

 resources (5)

Booking calenders and web intergration
A lot of cooool resources for R
Ignoring Build Files Correctly In R
Tracking a github website using google analytics
Site concept

 rmd (6)

Bookdown thesis examples
Code chunks in RMarkdown
Adding links in Jekyll websites
A very basic description of github projects and forks
Jekyll in RStudio
Markdown syntax

 rstudio (2)

Code chunks in RMarkdown
A very basic description of github projects and forks

 shiny (1)

Github shiny app

 software (1)

Github content editor

 statistics (1)

Github shiny app

 test (4)

Code chunks in RMarkdown
Sample blog post
Flake it till you make it
A very basic description of github projects and forks

 tips (2)

Adding links in Jekyll websites
Markdown syntax

 tools (10)

Building a QR code
Bookdown thesis examples
Booking calenders and web intergration
Ignoring Build Files Correctly In R
Code chunks in RMarkdown
A very basic description of github projects and forks
Making stickers and business cards
Jekyll in RStudio
Tracking a github website using google analytics
Site concept

 website (12)

Creating business cards
Creating business cards
Building a QR code
Bookdown thesis examples
Booking calenders and web intergration
Jekyll metadata
Using Gists
Bookdown hosting
Making stickers and business cards
Tracking a github website using google analytics
KMZ files are just...
Site concept