1 Overview

This respository contains a collection of dynamic programming tools and introductory tutorials for dealing with maps and geo-spatical analysis using rmarkdown and shiny. This respository contains a collection of dynamic programming tools and introductory tutorials for GIS in R.

1.1 Project objectives

The overall objective is to create a landing page and collection of GIS work in R. All the examples will focus on invasive species dynamics for now but will extend to other areas of ecology and research. The current set of goals for this project also meet the requirements needed to produce the figures for my personal reproducible phd research.

1.1.1 Objective one

Produce static-maps for the first publication of my PhD.

Draft here Davidson2019a Datasets

  • Grid locations are in a kmz file called “invasive-species-location-research.kmz” here
    • kml file still called “invasive-species-location-research.kmz” currently
  • Outline of NZ
  • Forest vegetation
  • Data from landCare 2019 publication here

1.1.2 Objective One

Produce static maps for the first publication of my PhD. Draft here - Davidson2019a

Beech forest dataset
  • Grid locations are can be downloaded as a kmz or kml file. This is currently labedl “invasive-species-location-research.kml” here
  • NZ basic map examples are here under resources chapter
  • NZ Forest vegetation data comes from … and saved as "" here

1.1.3 Objective Two

Produce static maps for the following data-set [Davidson2019b] [same as above]

1.1.4 Objective Three

Produce static maps for the following data-set [Davidson2019c] [same as above]

1.1.5 Objective Four

Application for Australian Bushfires

1.2 Get started…

  1. Fork this repo here

  2. Pull project into Rstudio using version control.

  3. Ensure that your local RStudio packages are up to date.

For more details this following the same contributing options as the website instructions here.

Note This book is built from the absolute minimum you need to start a bookdown book. You can find the preview of the unmodified template of the book at http://seankross.com/bookdown-start/

  • All of the content of this repository is licensed CC0.

The content of the mapping/GIS was orginally forked from from the following github repositories:

1.2.1 Packages

To run this book in RStudio the following packages are needed.

## Attaching package: 'geojsonio'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     pretty